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Virtual Expo-Conference 2021


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It's under the theme "Together, even at a distance!", that the 2021 edition of the online FORAC Expo-Conference took place from Tuesday January 26th to Thursday January 28th.

This edition welcomed Ms. Annie Gosselin, Industrial Development Officer at the "Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs" and Mr. Pierre Blanchet, Professor in the Department of Wood and Forest Sciences. Ms. Gosselin presented the mandate of the "Direction du développement de l'industrie des produits du bois" (DDIPB) as well as the programs in effect, while Mr. Blanchet spoke to us about the challenges of integrating construction lumber suppliers. In addition, several students and research professionals presented the progress of research projects to us.

This year, our students were able to participate in the My thesis in 180 seconds competition. In a three-minute video, the students presented their master's or doctorate to us. People registered for the Expo-Conference were able to vote for their favorite video.

The FORAC team would like to congratulate the three prize winners:
3rd place : Vincent Martineau | Anticiper la production associée au débitage d'un lot de billots [french only]
2nd place : Vanessa Simard | Prendre de meilleures décisions en tenant compte de la qualité des données [french only]
1st place : François-Alexandre Tremblay | Foresterie 4.0 : Vos planches sont-elles humides, sèches ou archi-sèches? [french only]